
Electronic Journal for Inclusive Education


This edition continues the international conversation concerning the inclusion of students with articles from an author with close geographic ties to the Journal and ends with an author on the far side of the world.

This continued international research reveals the struggles and concerns to include all students in a free appropriate education that is now global in its efforts. Students with disabilities and from different ethnic backgrounds are now being included and the struggle for acceptance of the students as individuals with contributions to make to society continues.

This edition begins with an article from Dr. Thomas Knestrict from Xavier University concerning an often-overlooked issue of children with chronic illnesses included in the general education classroom. This article deals with students with diabetes.

The next article by Dr. Glenda Moss from the neighboring state of Indiana describes the development of multicultural learning communities through university-school partnerships. The project collected data from a “Plug-In” program in order to evaluate the program’s effectiveness.

Moving further south, Dr. Karen Brooks from Georgia College and State University describes teacher’s attitudes toward inclusive practice in the middle Georgia area from 198 to 2006. Her article reveals changes in attitudes in these teachers’ perceptions of inclusive practice.

From Connecticut, Dr. Joan Nicoll-Senft and Ms. Kathleen Whitbread describe the collaboration between families and school district personnel using the Star Protocol Process. This protocol was designed to facilitate structured conversations between family and school personnel to identify issues and create an action plan.

Colleagues from Hawaii, Dr. Amelia Jenkins and Dr. Cecily Ornelles, research pre-service teachers’ confidence in teaching students with disabilities. This article addresses teacher preparation programs.

Dr. Sanjeev and Dr. Kumar from India describe and provide insight into inclusive education in India.

Dr. Peter Oracha Adoyo from Kenya describes the placement of students with hearing impairments in general education classrooms. The article discusses the difficulties with this placement due to communication and social issues.

Moving the very far side of the world, Dr. Sue Walker from Brisbane Australia describes the social participation of young children with developmental disabilities in inclusive early childhood programs. Her methodology is interesting and appropriate for research young children’s perceptions.

Finally, Dr. Marguerite Maher from Auckland New Zealand describes efforts to move to an inclusive education system as a reform of education in democratic South Africa. She describes this challenging effort and provides information concerning policies that have this effort behind schedule.

The conversation continues with international voices and information now joining the efforts for social justice for all students.

Patricia R. Renick, Editor
