Publication Date


Document Type


Committee Members

Ava Chamberlain (Advisor), Dawne Dewey (Committee Member), Karla Huebner (Committee Member), Donovan Miyasaki (Committee Chair)

Degree Name

Master of Humanities (MHum)


The topic of restitution, returning cultural objects to a museum in a country of origin, has produced a complicated debate. The factors concerning restitution are political, ethical, and emotionally charged. Leading this controversy is Dr. Zahi Hawass. He is concerned with both the return of artifacts and the protection of artifacts in Egypt. Hawass has developed a 'wish list' for the return of Egyptian artifacts from market nations. The museums currently housing the items feel they serve the purpose of allowing a global audience to view these artifacts. Hawass has made tremendous strides in retrieving other antiquities and making discoveries in Egypt. This study will show how Hawass' actions will have a profound impact on cultural objects, the museum community, and how future debates over cultural heritage will be handled.

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Year Degree Awarded

