Publication Date


Document Type


Committee Members

Adrian Corbett (Advisor), Kathrin Engisch (Committee Member), Robert Putnam (Committee Member)

Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


Our laboratory has found increased functional recovery post-stroke with Long Evans rats that received a combination of fluoxetine, simvastatin, and vitamin C. The objectives of this study were to test that treatment and other drug combinations on Sprague Dawley rats, to determine whether Forelimb Asymmetry is a reliable behavioral measure for stroke studies, and to determine the most optimal surgical procedure on Sprague Dawley rats. There were more significant increases in functional recovery observed on the Forelimb Asymmetry than on Montoya Staircase behavioral tests, but there were no significant differences between treatment groups and control. The largest number of rats that had at least a 20% deficit was in the group that underwent stroke induction through injecting 1.5ul endothelin into the strereotactic sites AP (0), ML (-2.5), DV (2.0) and AP (1.5), ML (-2.5), DV (2.0) from bregma, which should be utilized in future stroke studies with Sprague Dawley rats.

Page Count


Department or Program

Department of Neuroscience, Cell Biology & Physiology

Year Degree Awarded

