Publication Date


Document Type


Committee Members

Fred Garber (Committee Member), Kathleen Koenig (Committee Co-chair), Doug Petkie (Committee Co-chair), Michael Saville (Committee Member), Kefu Xue (Committee Member)

Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)


E 2010L Circuit Analysis Lab is an introductory course in analog circuits for students majoring in Electrical Engineering, Engineering Physics, Mechanical Engineering, Materials Science, and Computer Engineering at Wright State University. Prior to conversion to the semester calendar, from the quarter calendar, the course was known as EE 302 Circuit Analysis I Lab. In the terms since the semester conversion it has been noticed the percentage of students receiving grades of D (poor), F (failed), W (withdrawn), K (withdrawal in first two weeks), or X (unofficial withdrawal) has increased from the rate in the previous iteration of the course

. A new lab pedagogical method was developed for teaching the course. The new method made use of an inverted lab structure. Students were issued a myDAQ device made by National Instrument. When connected to a computer, the myDAQ can act as a power supply, multimeter, oscilloscope, and frequency generator. The myDAQ allows students to collect data outside of the lab. It is expected that students using the myDAQ will show the same learning outcomes as students in the traditional bench labs. It was hoped that by introducing this new instructional method can serve as a bridge to introducing more elements of problem based learning into the course.

A study was conducted during the Spring Semester of 2014 in order to test the effectiveness of the new instructional method. Half of the section of EE 2010L used traditional equipment (bench labs) in a traditional lab setting. Students in this cohort collected data in the lab. The other half of the course sections used the new pedagogical method (myDAQ labs). Students in this cohort collected their data outside of class time. All students completed the same lab activities, same lab practicum midterm, and lab practicum final Additionally, all students took the same pre- and post-test.

The results from the lab practica and the Hake's gain from the pre-test and post-test scores were treated as dependent variables. Student GPA, Major, Lab Type (bench or myDAQ), and assigned Teaching Assistant were used as the independent variables. MANOVA and MANCOVA analyses were performed on the data. The results of these analyses, along with additional post hoc testing, showed that only GPA was statistically significant upon the dependent variable measures.

The new instructional method was just as effective as the traditional method. These results mean that more elements of problem based learning may be introduced into the future curriculum for EE 2010L.

Page Count


Department or Program

Ph.D. in Engineering

Year Degree Awarded


Included in

Engineering Commons
