Publication Date


Document Type


Committee Members

Liam Anderson (Committee Chair), Carlos Costa (Committee Member), Vaughn Shannon (Committee Member)

Degree Name

Master of Arts (MA)


This research seeks to understand the reasons regarding why states intervene in conflicts? This study utilizes all European states who are a member of NATO and seeks to understand their reason for intervening in 14 post-cold war conflicts. Specifically, this study seeks to address whether the involvement of the United States, their NATO membership, and the humanitarian extent of the crisis play a role in their intervention decision. To answer these questions, this study uses an ordered probit statistical study to tests the hypothesis. The results show that the United States involvement in a conflict, and the European states membership in a conflict make an intervention more likely while the greater the humanitarian crisis makes an intervention less likely. This study concludes with an analysis on what these results would mean worldwide during the Trump presidency.

Page Count


Department or Program

Department of Political Science

Year Degree Awarded

