Publication Date


Document Type


Committee Members

George Huang (Other), Nathan Klingbeil (Committee Member), Ravi Penmetsa (Advisor), Joseph Slater (Committee Member)

Degree Name

Master of Science in Engineering (MSEgr)


The focus of this research is to develop a framework to track damage evolution in a structural model subjected to a fatigue environment. This framework incorporates a micromechanical approach of continuous damage modeling, where damage in a homogenized representative microstructure is introduced at the continuum scale through the material constitutive matrix. In this research, damage in the representative microstructure is simulated utilizing cohesive zone models (CZM) whose properties are a function of the magnitude of applied stresses and the resulting separation. In order to minimize the mesh dependence of the cohesive zone model an adaptive meshing technique is employed. A fatigue simulation is performed to demonstrate the capability of the framework to predict the initiation and evolution of damage.

Page Count


Department or Program

Department of Mechanical and Materials Engineering

Year Degree Awarded

