Publication Date


Document Type


Committee Members

Gary Burns (Committee Member), Peggy Desautels (Committee Member), Tamera Schneider (Committee Chair)

Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


This study used two implicit attitude measures (a Go/No-Go Association Task; GNAT and a personalized GNAT; PGNAT) and three explicit measures to assess attitude change in faculty attending a diversity training session on women in STEM. It was hypothesized that (1) pre- and post-training explicit scores would correlate more strongly with the PGNAT than with the GNAT, (2) training would result in more positive attitudes toward women in STEM, and (3) difference scores would be greatest in the explicit scales, followed by the GNAT and PGNAT. Partial support was found for a stronger correlation between the PGNAT and explicit scores, and the PGNAT revealed more positive implicit attitudes following training. However, explicit scores did not change significantly, and the GNAT and PGNAT change scores did not differ from one another. This study adds support for use of a personalized GNAT and provides evidence that diversity training can positively affect personal attitudes.

Page Count


Department or Program

Department of Psychology

Year Degree Awarded

