Publication Date


Document Type


Committee Members

Shia-chung Chen (Committee Co-chair), George Huang (Committee Co-chair), Wen-ren Jong (Committee Member)

Degree Name

Master of Science in Engineering (MSEgr)


As the research and development of surface heating methods have increased in the recent years, the consensus has been reached amongst the injection molding community that an elevated mold surface temperature near or greater than the polymer solidification temperature provides acceptable replication of the desired micro-structured parts. The laser heating experimental work and simulation development carried out includes two sample sizes similar to those used in injection molding. A 100W CO2 laser incident on three samples of different surface roughnesses has shown to have elevated temperatures via thermal cameral data and thermocouple measurements. Among five different laser spot sizes varying from 1 mm to 20 mm in diameter, heating rates from 1 second to 5 minutes have shown temperatures rises from 230C to often over 1000C, when measuring 1 mm below the heated surface. A particular case with a laser spot size of 3 mm in diameter incident on a 30 mm thick sample has absorbed 13.2W of laser energy and yielded a surface temperature over 1800C through simulation. A new design has been proposed to allow for a more practical heating method that is feasible, economical, and deemed the next step in future work for laser heating in the rapid mold surface heating community.

Page Count


Department or Program

Department of Mechanical and Materials Engineering

Year Degree Awarded

