Publication Date


Document Type


Committee Members

Mary Fendley (Committee Member), Tarun Goswami (Advisor), Tarun Goswami (Committee Member), Andrew Hsu (Other), Richard Laughlin (Committee Member), David Reynolds (Committee Member)

Degree Name

Master of Science in Engineering (MSEgr)


Total ankle arthroplasty (TAR) is performed in order to reduce the pain and loss of ambulation in patients with various forms of arthritis and trauma. Although replacement devices fail by a number of mechanisms, wear in the polyethylene liner constitutes one of the dominating failure modes. This leads to instability and loosening of the implant. Mechanisms that contribute to wear in the liners are high contact and subsurface stresses that break down the material over time. Therefore, it is important to understand the gait that generates these stresses. Methods to characterize and decrease wear in Ohio TARs have been performed in this research. This research utilizes finite element analysis of WSU patented total ankle replacement models. From the FEA results, mathematical models of contact conditions and wear mechanics were developed. These models were used to determine the best methods for wear characterization and reduction. Furthermore, optimization models were developed based on geometry of the implants. These equations optimize geometry, thus congruency and anatomical simulations for total ankle implants.

Page Count


Department or Program

Department of Biomedical, Industrial & Human Factors Engineering

Year Degree Awarded

