Publication Date


Document Type


Committee Members

Nathan Bowling (Advisor), Gary Burns (Committee Member), Melissa Gruys (Committee Member), Corey Miller (Committee Member)

Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)


Traditional job satisfaction theories focus on either environmental causes or stable underlying personality characteristics as determinants of job satisfaction, giving very little attention to the possibility that employees may be able to affect their own job satisfaction levels. Recent research on job crafting, however, has provided a source of optimism for changing job satisfaction levels. Job crafting is the processes by which employees actively shape their job to fit their individual needs and unlike the traditional models, it offers hope to those employees that work in a dissatisfying environment or whose personalities may not predispose them to high job satisfaction. This study expands on the current model of job crafting by including non-work behaviors that employees perform on the job, as well as work-related behaviors that employees perform away from the job. I explore how job crafting is currently used by employees and investigate personality and situational variables as both predictors and moderators. I also investigate the outcomes of job crafting and explore job crafting as a mediator of personality variables on job satisfaction.

Page Count


Department or Program

Department of Psychology

Year Degree Awarded

