Publication Date


Document Type


Committee Members

Scott Watamaniuk (Advisor)

Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


Previous research on aurally-aided visual search has repeatedly shown a significant reduction in response times when displaying 3D auditory cues. However, the vast majority of this research has only examined searches for static (non-moving) targets in static visual environments. In the present study, visual search performance in both static and dynamic (moving) visual environments is examined with and without virtual 3D auditory cues. In both static and dynamic environments, and for all observers, visual search times were significantly reduced when auditory spatial cues were displayed. Auditory cues provided the largest benefits when the target initially appeared at farther eccentricities and on the horizontal axis. General practice effects were observed, but 3D auditory cues were immediately effective with little or no time needed for learning. Overall, the results suggest a similar and consistent performance benefit offered by 3D audio for both static and dynamic environments.

Page Count


Department or Program

Department of Psychology

Year Degree Awarded

