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ALS, or Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis, is a neurodegenerative disease that causes motor neuron degeneration. Affecting nerve cells in the brain and spinal cord, this disease eventually leads to respiratory muscle failure and death. Although ALS is fairly uncommon, our lack of information on how ALS develops drives the need for further study. In the Neuro Engineering, Rehabilitation, and Degeneration laboratory at Wright State University, immunohistochemical data has been collected on a mouse model (SOD1-G93A) throughout their lifespan to better examine the neurological effects of ALS. To better organize and interpret the data, a high-dimensional dataset was created in this project using Microsoft Access. This was performed by rearranging the current data in Excel and importing it into Access. In Access, forms with buttons were created to streamline the process of viewing or editing data. By creating this database, the NERD laboratory will be able to review data and investigate trends that weren’t immediately evident during data collection. Furthermore, this database will serve as a tool to both add current data and view its relation to past data. To test the accuracy and usability of the database, points of data were compared between current storage techniques and those stored and retrieved within the database. Using the database, available data on multiple proteins of interest were also compared to test its power as an investigative tool. Graphs testing the compared points of data show the same values between preliminary data and data taken from the database, verifying its reliability as an accurate and efficient storage platform. Graphs produced through its use also show its effectiveness and potential as a relational tool.
