Michael Bérubé, Ph.D. - Professor of Literature and Author of What's Liberal About the Liberal Arts?
Presented in partnership by the WSU American Association of University Professors
Michael Bérubé, Ph.D., called “one of the 101 most dangerous academics in America” by right-wing activist/commentator David Horowitz, is an avid defender of freedom of academic inquiry in his literature classes at Penn State, on the National Council for the American Association of University Professors, and as an influential blogger on his website. www.michaelberube.com
Bérubé is the author of What’s Liberal About the Liberal Arts? Classroom Politics and “Bias” in Higher Education (W. W. Norton, 2006), and his seventh book, The Left at War: Cultural Studies and Democratic Internationalism After 9/11, will be published in 2009 by NYU Press.
His earlier work Life As We Know It: A Father, A Family, and an Exceptional Child (Pantheon, 1996; paper, Vintage, 1998) is Bérubé’s personal account of raising a son with Down’s syndrome. It won the 1996 New York Times Notable Book of the Year and was chosen as one of the best books of the year by National Public Radio’s Maureen Corrigan.
Bérubé is also the editor of The Aesthetics of Cultural Studies (Blackwell, 2004), and, with Cary Nelson, of Higher Education Under Fire: Politics, Economics, and the Crisis of the Humanities (Routledge, 1995). He has written numerous essays for a wide variety of academic journals such as American Quarterly, the Yale Journal of Criticism, and Modern Fiction Studies, as well as more popular venues such as Harper’s, the New Yorker, The New York Times Magazine, the Washington Post, and The Nation.
Repository Citation
Wright State University (2008). Michael Bérubé, Ph.D. - Professor of Literature and Author of What's Liberal About the Liberal Arts?. .

This event took place at the Student Union Apollo Room.