

Soybean (Glycine max L.) yield and yield related traits are constrained by drought. Adaptation of soybean to changing environment could be improved by exploitation and introgression of diverse germplasm in breeding program. In present study, the response to drought conditions, especially at flowering stage, was evaluated to determine the potential soybean germplasm for future soybean breeding programs in Pakistan. Field experiment was conducted under two water regimes i.e. well-water and water-limited, to assess the effect of drought in seed yield and yield related traits. Although, drought led to overall reduction of ~15 % in thousand seed weight but still some soybean genotypes performed relatively better under water-limited conditions. These genotypes were also tolerant to drought, with a drought susceptibility index of < 0.5. PCA also explained the pattern of variation existing in soybean germplasm grown under given water regimes i.e. well-water and water-limited conditions. The identified soybean genotypes could be a favorable resource to introduce high yielding soybean in local environment.

Article History

Received: May 07, 2022; Accepted: Oct 04, 2022; Published: March 30, 2023
