"Genotype × Environment Interaction for Fiber Quality." by Irum Aziz, Wajad Nazeer et al.


Cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) is a fibre and oilseed crop and offers raw materials to industries and livelihood for the rural poor. During the last decade, climate change has negatively affected crop production all over the world. Under such scenarios of climate change, plant breeders must explore the genetics of crops for better yield and fibre quality. Considering the Extent of Cotton in Pakistan's economy, the present research was planned to evaluate six cotton varieties in different locations for yield stability. Six varieties namely IUB-13, CIM-600, S-32, FH-Lalazar, CIM-616 and Z-33 were surveyed at farmer fields in Rajan Pur, D G Khan and Muzafargarh districts. Data was collected for plant height, fruiting branches per plant, days to flower opening, boll shedding percentage, bolls per plant, boll weight, locules per boll, G.O.T. % age, seed cotton yield, fibre fineness, fibre length, fibre strength, and fibre uniformity. The Collected data was subject to analysis of variance and all the under-examined traits showed significant results except for No. of locules per boll, GOT % age, seed cotton yield, fibre fineness, fibre strength, fibre length and fibre uniformity ratio. In case of overall mean value of seed cotton yield. Genotype G-3 (S-32) showed maximum seed cotton yield in all three locations and thus declared as the highly stable genotype compared with all other genotypes.

Article History

Received: Nov 22, 2022; Accepted: Aug 25, 2023; Published: Sep 30, 2023

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Agriculture Commons
