"Control of Plant Pests" by Hira Liaqat Ali, Sumaira Mazhar et al.


Plant diseases due to pests cause huge loss to crop fields every year. For the control of plant pest, pesticides are under use. Fusarium wilt is caused by phytopathogen Fusarium oxysporum. More than 100 species were affected due to this disease caused by this virus. Fungi also affect onion plant crop yield every year, when chemical pesticides are applied to onion crop field. It will increase the cost of onion production and it is also dangerous for the environment and living organism other than the targeted pests. A number of microorganisms like fungi, bacteria and nematode are currently being used to control different types of pests of agro-ecosystem. In the current research 25 different bacteria were isolated from soil samples collected from 5 different (wheat, maize, sorghum, barseem, spinach) crops. Out of them 11 isolates possess plant growth promoting ability. Various biochemical, physiological and morphological tests showed that out of these 11 bacterial isolates 3 were gram positive bacilli, 2 were gram negative bacilli, 3 were gram positive cocci, 2 were gram negative rod and 1 was gram positive rod. Isolates were further screened for their antagonistic activity against onion plant pathogen causing fusarium wilt disease. Only two bacterial isolates showed positive results and inhibited the growth of plant fungal pathogen were selected for pot experiments. The objective of the current study was the exploitation of soil bacteria for the control of phytopathogens as an effective method to obtain better crop yield.

Article History

Received: March 29, 2023; Accepted: May 30, 2023; Published: Dec 26, 2023
