
Jon Monahan



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Created and supported by educators, Sapling Learning’s online homework drives student success and saves educators time.

Passionately Crafted Content: Sapling Learning authors are experienced educators. They are passionate about creating problem sets, targeted instructional feedback, and solutions which both challenge and guide students. Student errors are met with more than just hints. Authors write the same quality, detailed feedback that they would deliver to students in person. Multi-step tutorials and engaging, intuitive question types lead students through a dynamic study process with variation that strengthens comprehensive understanding.

Targeted Instructional Feedback: Every question and tutorial from Sapling Learning is embedded with targeted instructional feedback to elicit common misconceptions and guide students down the right path. The experienced educators who craft each problem set express their passion in developing rich, quality feedback that mimics the instruction you provide your students. This just-in-time feedback leads students into a rewarding study process. The presentation within real student workflow means that the instant feedback is applied more effectively.

Homework Management & Analytics: Sapling Learning helps you easily manage your course--from auto-graded assignments that feed into your gradebook to easy to use analytics that allow you to improve retention. Student results can be analyzed quickly to diagnose topics of weakness in your course and new assignments and quizzes can be assembled from a large library of relevant and customizable questions. Our authoring tool allows you to create new questions with your own specific feedback.

Publication Date



Physical Sciences and Mathematics | Physics


Presented at a seminar hosted by the Physics Department at Wright State University.

Presentation was done as a real-time demonstration. The links to those demonstrations are available as the Demonstration Links file.

Sapling Learning's Online Homework System for Science Courses

Included in

Physics Commons
