Elijah Anderson - Professor of Sociology at Yale University
Against the Wall: Poor, Young, Black, and Male
ELIJAH ANDERSON is the William K. Lanman Professor of Sociology at Yale University. Before joining the Yale University faculty in July 2007, Dr. Anderson was the Charles and William L. Day Distinguished Professor of the Social Sciences, with a secondary appointment in the Wharton School, at the University of Pennsylvania.
Dr. Anderson is one of the nation’s most respected scholars in the field of urban inequality. His books include Code of the Street: Decency, Violence, and the Moral Life of the Inner City (1999), winner of the 2000 Komarovsky Award from the Eastern Sociological Association;Streetwise: Race, Class, and Change in an Urban Community (1990), winner of the American Sociological Association’s Robert E. Park award for the best published book in the area of Urban Sociology; and the classic sociological work, A Place on the Corner: A Study of Black Street Corner Men (1978; 2nd ed., 2003).
He has also written numerous articles on the black experience, including "Of Old Heads and Young Boys: Notes on the Urban Black Experience' (1986), commissioned by the National Research Council's Committee on the Status of Black Americans; "Sex Codes and Family Life among Inner-City Youth" in the January 1989 issue of the Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science; and "The Code of the Streets," which was the cover story of the May 1994 issue of The Atlantic Monthly, which was published in expanded form in his book Code of the Street. Dr. Anderson also authored the introduction to the 1996 edition of The Philadelphia Negro by W.E.B. DuBois (1996).
Repository Citation
Wright State University (2008). Elijah Anderson - Professor of Sociology at Yale University. .

This event took place in the Millett Atrium.