Nicholas Kristof - Two-time Pulitzer Prize winner, New York Times columnist
Presented as part of the University Honors Program's 2009 Honors Institute
Nicholas D. Kristof, a columnist for The New York Times, writes frequently on global health, poverty, and women’s rights in the developing world. He was one of the first to sound the alarm on the genocide in Darfur, visiting that region nine times and earning a Pulitzer Prize in 2006 for his efforts to call attention to the crisis. He has also led the fight against sex trafficking in countries such as Cambodia, India, and Pakistan.
Kristof grew up on a sheep and cherry farm near Yamhill, Oregon, and, in 1981, graduated from Harvard College in just three years. He then studied law at Oxford University on a Rhodes Scholarship. Kristof later studied Arabic in Cairo and Chinese in Taipei, and he has backpacked around Africa and Asia while writing articles to cover his expenses. He has lived on four continents, reported on six, and traveled to more than 120 countries. During his travels, he has had unpleasant experiences with wars, malaria, mobs, and an African plane crash.
Joining The New York Times in 1984, Kristof has served as business correspondent in Los Angeles and as bureau chief in Hong Kong, Beijing, and Tokyo. In 1990, Kristof and his wife, Sheryl WuDunn, also a Times journalist, became the first married couple to win a Pulitzer Prize for their coverage of China’s Tiananmen Square democracy movement. The couple are coauthors of China Wakes: The Struggle for the Soul of a Rising Power and Thunder from the East: Portrait of a Rising Asia.
The first blogger at The New York Times, Kristof still actively blogs at http://www.nytimes.com/ontheground and holds an annual contest to choose a university student to take with him on a reporting trip to the developing world.
Repository Citation
Wright State University (2009). Nicholas Kristof - Two-time Pulitzer Prize winner, New York Times columnist. .