Document Type

Master's Culminating Experience

Publication Date



The objective of the culminating experience was to evaluate the effectiveness of Public Health – Dayton & Montgomery County’s (PHDMC) Level One Food Safety Certification class. Pre-training and post-training quiz score data from approximately 692 participants were examined. Paired t-tests were used to evaluate change in scores, overall, on individual questions, and by job responsibility. There was significant improvements in quiz scores both aggregately (20.6%) and also by individual questions, except for question one which assessed how people could become ill from improper food safety. The temperature related questions were answered incorrectly the most but also showed the most improvement. Owners of food service operations had the highest mean pre-training quiz scores (82.0%) but restaurant servers had the highest mean post-training scores (96.9%) and showed the most improvement (20.0%). This culminating experience has shown that PHDMCs Level One Food Safety Certification class was effective in increasing of participants from pre to post training.

Additional Files

Tyler Presentation.pdf (78 kB)

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Public Health Commons
