Document Type

Master's Culminating Experience

Publication Date

Spring 2013


Since the 1950s the number of major disaster declarations has more than tripled. These disasters cause an increase in the number of sick and injured individuals. In order to handle this increased patient load, health professionals must be brought in from outside the area, often from surrounding states. Current health professional licensing is maintained by each state individually, with post-disaster assistance made available through the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act, the Pandemic and All-Hazards Preparedness Act (PAHPA), the Model State Emergency Health powers Act, the Nurse Licensure Compact, and the National Disaster Medical System. These programs along with proposed legislation and post-disaster evaluations of medical licensing have been analyzed in order to form four alternatives to the current system of medical licensing as well as desired outcomes. In order to compare the alternatives, Bardach’s Eight Fold Path has been used to create a policy analysis matrix. The results of the policy analysis gave the Status Quo lowest score and a proposed National Medical Licensing system the highest score. The highest score (National Medical Licensing System) corresponds with the greatest ability to meet the desired outcomes derived from the studied literature. It is therefore theorized that a National Medical Licensing system will substantially increase the efficiency and effectiveness. Further study is recommended to confirm the fiscal and political acceptability criteria of the policy analysis.
