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Cesarean section (C-section) deliveries are on the rise, with an increase from 23.5% in the 1990s to 32.2% in 2022. Research has shown that poor communication by health care providers can lead to negative outcomes. Patients’ understanding of their C-section indications has significant implications for their future obstetric health. Therefore, interventions are needed to ensure optimal communication between providers and patients to improve outcomes.

Materials and Methods

Sixty-eight participants were enrolled and randomized into traditional counseling or teach-back intervention groups. Phone interviews were used to capture data at 2 weeks and 6 months postoperatively. Chi square and Fisher’s Exact tests were used to assess discordance rates between the indication reported in the EMR and the patient recollection of the reason for their C-section.


During their hospital stay, 32.3% of patients were noted to have discordant reporting of their reason for C-section compared to documented reason. At the 2-week mark, patients in the teach-back group demonstrated lower discordance compared to the control group (6.3% vs 23.5%, respectively). Results were not significant in identifying racial disparities in patient reporting of documented C-section reason. Participant comments provided qualitative insights into their experiences.


This study suggests that the teach-back intervention may have short-term benefits in improving patient reporting of C-section indications. This research contributes to ongoing efforts to reduce health disparities, emphasizing the importance of tailored communication strategies in maternal healthcare.
