A Bibliography of Sources for Dayton, Ohio, 1850-1950
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In a research proposal dated December 19, 1968, Professors Carl M. Becker, Jacob H. Dorn, and Paul G. Merriam requested funding from the National Science Foundation for a three-year study of the growth and development of Dayton, Ohio, from 1850 to 1950. This proposal consisted of two stages: (1) a preliminary inventory of historical sources, and (2) the researching and writing of a scholarly history of Dayton, which could be built rationally and systematically upon the inventory of sources. The National Science Foundation subsequently approved a grant for the first phase, which was to run from September 1, 1969, to August 31, 1970. The project members were given to understand that future funding of the second phase would depend, among other things, on the results of the inventory and a satisfactory re-definition of the scope and purposes of the research and writing phase.
The inventory itself proved more massive an undertaking than had been anticipated. In addition, although the project staff was able to complete the major part of its field work during the summer of 1970, the clerical and editorial work remaining to be completed at the termination date of August 31, 1970, necessitated the extension of the inventory phase for an additional six months to February 28, 1971.
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Wright State University
Bibliography, Dayton, Ohio
Arts and Humanities | History
Repository Citation
Becker , C. M., Dorn , J. H., & Merriam , P. G. (1971). A Bibliography of Sources for Dayton, Ohio, 1850-1950. Dayton, OH: Wright State University.