Factors Associated with Borderline Pathology in School-Age Children

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Completed the Diagnostic Interview for Borderlines (DIB—R) as revised for use with children and chart review using the records of 54 children (aged 6–12 yrs) admitted to a public psychiatric hospital. Based on the results of the DIB—R, the Ss were grouped as borderline (BD) and nonborderline. The 2 groups were compared with regard to 52 independent variables historically associated with the BD diagnosis. The cluster of diagnostic and independent variables that best discriminated the BD Ss was identified. Self-destructive behavior, irritable affect, anhedonia, and an externalizing disorder diagnosis at the time of admission accounted for 95.4% of the BD Ss. The authors suggest that BD pathology may represent a spectrum of disorders and that there is need for a more specific psychiatric nosology in describing and diagnosing these children.



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