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Arts and Humanities | History
Wright family; Wright, Milton, 1828-1917
Bishop Milton Wright, father of Wilbur and Orville Wright, regularly recorded entries in his diary from 1857 until his death in 1917. This diary’s entries begin on May 5, 1877 and continue until December 31, 1877. Wright records a variety of information regarding his travels, family history, and expenditures. Of particular note, this diary includes entries regarding Wright being elected to Bishop in the church, and being charged with responsibility for the West Mississippi District in his new position, which the researcher might find of interest. View the transcript of the Milton Wright diaries.
Publisher Repository
Special Collections and Archives; Wright State University Libraries
Special Collections and Archives provides reprints or digital copies of our materials for a fee. For further information please visit their website or call (937) 775-2092.
Digital Publisher
Digital Initiatives and Repository Services; Wright State University Libraries
Document Type