Item Identifier Number
Creation Date
MS-192: Andrew S. Iddings Wright Brothers Homecoming Celebration Collection
The image shows United States Navy seamen marching in the parade through Dayton, Ohio during the 1909 Wright Brothers Homecoming Celebration. The group of fifty sailors was lead by Captain G. H. Kesler who was the head of the Cincinnati Navy recruiting district. This was the first United States Navy demonstration in the city of Dayton. The photograph was taken in a residential area near downtown Dayton. In the background are spectators who are watching the parade from the side of the street.
Publisher Repository
Special Collections and Archives; Wright State University Libraries
Digital Publisher
Digital Services Department; Wright State University Libraries
Document Type
Media Type
Photographic Negative
Special Collections and Archives provides reprints or digital copies of our materials for a fee. For further information please visit their website or call (937) 775-2092.
Date Digital
Digitization Specification
Epson Expression 10000 XL
ms192_137; Parades; Marching; Spectators; Streets--Ohio--Dayton; Sailors; Dayton--Streets; United States. Navy; Streets--Ohio; Flags--United States; Kesler; G. H.; Dayton (Ohio) Wright Brothers Homecoming Celebration -- 1909