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Item Identifier Number


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MS-192: Andrew S. Iddings Wright Brothers Homecoming Celebration Collection


The image shows the United States Army Second Infantry band marching in the parade during the 1909 Wright Brothers Homecoming Celebration. The soldiers were under the command of Colonel Francis Mansfield and marched to Dayton, Ohio from Ft. Thomas, Kentucky. The band is seen marching through a residential area and viewing them are spectators who are on the side of the street. The drum major leads the band followed by a row of trombone players and two tubas. The second row has a French horn, trumpet, and baritones. In the third row, a clarinet and trumpet can be identified. Following the band are soldiers on foot and horseback.

Publisher Repository

Special Collections and Archives; Wright State University Libraries

Digital Publisher

Digital Services Department; Wright State University Libraries

Document Type


Media Type

Photographic Negative


Special Collections and Archives provides reprints or digital copies of our materials for a fee. For further information please visit their website or call (937) 775-2092.

Date Digital


Digitization Specification

Epson Expression 10000 XL


ms192_144; Main Street (Dayton, Ohio); Flags--United States; Marching bands; Parades; Marching; Bands (Music); United States--Armed Forces--Bands; Soldiers; Spectators; Musical instruments; Dayton (Ohio) Wright Brothers Homecoming Celebration -- 1909; Drum majors; Dayton--Streets; United States. Army; United States. Army--Bands


Image Location