Wright Brothers Photographs
Item Identifier Number
Creation Date
MS-1: Wright Brothers Collection
Orville Wright piloting flight 41 of the Wright 1905 Flyer at Huffman Prairie. Orville circled the field fourteen times, or twelve miles, in 19 mins, 55 secs. This photograph is one of twelve taken during the flight. Note on reverse of 16-6-13; N2985 (same photograph by Orville Wright "Flight of motor machine at Simms Station in 1905. The direction is to the right almost at a right angle to the line of vision. Horizontal rudders in front, double surface vertical rudder behind."
Publisher Repository
Special Collections and Archives; Wright State University Libraries
Digital Publisher
Digital Services Department; Wright State University Libraries
Document Type
Media Type
Photographic print, black and white
Special Collections and Archives provides reprints or digital copies of our materials for a fee. For further information please visit their website or call (937) 775-2092.
Date Digital
Digitization Specification
AGFA DuoScan T2000XL
Spatial Coverage
Dayton, Ohio
ms1_16_6_10; Huffman Prairie (Simms Station); Wright 1905 Flyer; Wright, Orville, 1871-1948; Airplanes; Aeronautics--Records; Flight; Simms Station (Ohio); Huffman Prairie (Ohio); Airfields