
Item Identifier Number
Creation Date
Arts and Humanities | History | United States History
SC-347: Wilbur F. H. Bigelow, Sr., Dayton-Wright Company Collection
Piece of red wing fabric from the “Red Devil Johnson” airplane, which crashed in front of a large crowd at Johnson Field in Dayton, on May 4, 1928, killing pilot Harold J. Forshay, as well as passengers Walter Clark and Blair Cross. Original caption (on back of fabric) reads: “Piece of wing of Red Devil. Johnson Air Plane. I went up to 2000 ft. on April 12, 1928. (Pilot Forshay.) Plane crashed on May 4th at 7:30 in evening, went into nose dive killing Forshay, Clark, & Cross.”
Publisher Repository
Special Collections and Archives; Wright State University Libraries
Digital Publisher
Digital Initiatives and Repository Services; Wright State University Libraries
Document Type
Special Collections and Archives provides reprints or digital copies of our materials for a fee. For further information please visit their website or call (937) 775-2092.