2014-2019 marks the centennial Anniversary of World War I. To commemorate this event the Special Collections and Archives of Wright State University has gathered materials related to World War I from its collections. This series contains many letters, diaries, photographs, and other ephemera from Ohio natives. The creators of these materials give the user a glimpse at the impact of World War I from a unique and individual perspective. Though these materials often record factual data, a closer inspection will often reveal content of a more personal nature.
The World War I Collections include materials from the following series:
Dayton-Wright Airplane Company Photographs (MS-152)
The 91st Observation Squadron Photographs (MS-293)
Palmer Coombs WWI Materials: Diaries and Papers (MS-293)
Fred F. Marshall Papers (MS-53)
World War I Glass Plate Stereoviews (MS-457)
War Camp Community Service Song Sheet (SC-174)
For more information on these collections, please visit Wright State University Special Collections and Archives. For more information about the Centennial Anniversary of World War I please visit The United States World War One Centennial Commission.
A Battlefield in France
A damaged glass plate stereoview slide with an Illegible label. The image is of a French battlefield. The photograph was taken between July 28, 1914 and November 11, 1918 during World War I.
A Courageous Soldier
A damaged glass plate stereoview slide with handwritten label Boyau Bombardé (Courage Bombing). A view of prone soldier in a trench. The photograph was taken between July 28, 1914 and November 11, 1918 in France during World War I.
A Destroyed Trench
A glass plate stereoview slide with handwritten label Tranchée Bouleversée (illegible) (Shattered Trench). A view of soldiers' equipment and a body in a destroyed trench. The photograph was taken between July 28, 1914 and November 11, 1918 in France during World War I.
A German Blockhouse
A glass plate stereoview slide with handwritten label Région Des Monts Blockhauss Allemand (Mountain Region, German Blockhouse). A view of a German blockhouse, a reinforced concrete shelter used as an observation point. The photograph was taken between July 28, 1914 and November 11, 1918 in France during World War I.
A Hillside in France
A damaged glass plate stereoview slide with illegible handwritten label. The images shows a hillside in France. The photograph was taken between July 28, 1914 and November 11, 1918 during World War I.
A Small Trench
A glass plate stereoview slide with handwritten label un petit poste, 23034, Carency ( A small post, 23034, Carency, France). A view of a small trench in Carency, France. The photograph was taken between July 28, 1914 and November 11, 1918 during World War I.
A Soldier on the Battlefield
A damaged glass plate stereoview slide with illegible handwritten label. A soldier lays dead on the battlefield. The photograph was taken between July 28, 1914 and November 11, 1918 in France during World War I.
Assault of Mount Singes
A glass plate stereoview slide with handwritten label 1000 A L'assaut Mont Des Singes (1000, The assault, Mount of the Apes). French soldiers walk across the battlefield holding bayonets. The photograph was taken between July 28, 1914 and November 11, 1918 in France during World War I.
A Tank on the Battlefield
A glass plate stereoview slide with handwritten label 01001 un tank, attaque de Belloy en Santerre (A tank, Attack in Belloy-en-Santerre). A tank on a battlefield in Belloy-en-Santerre, France. The photograph was taken between July 28, 1914 and November 11, 1918 during World War I.
Battlefield in France
A damaged glass plate stereoview slide that shows a French battlefield during World War I. The photograph was taken between July 28, 1914 and November 11, 1918 in France.
Battlefield in Saint-Girons, Ariège, France
A glass plate stereoview slide with handwritten label Pentes des Girons (Slopes of Girons). A dead soldier is on the ground. The photograph was taken between July 28, 1914 and November 11, 1918 in France during World War I.
Bombing of Mont Le Téton
A glass plate stereoview slide with handwritten label 454 Au Mont Le Téton un bombardement 454 (bombing of Mont Le Téton 454). A view of smoke from a bomb in the background of the image. The photograph was taken between July 28, 1914 and November 11, 1918 in France during World War I.
British Infantry Soldiers
A glass plate stereoview slide with handwritten label infanterie anglaise dans la Lomme (British Infantry in Lomme, France). British infantry soldiers walking through streets of Lomme, France. The photograph was taken between July 28, 1914 and November 11, 1918 during World War I.
Carrying Soup
A damaged glass plate stereoview slide with handwritten label La Soupe, Des [illegible](The Soup, [illegible]). Soldiers carrying pot of soup hanging from a stick. The photograph was taken between July 28, 1914 and November 11, 1918 in France during World War I.
Cleaning the Battlefield
A glass plate stereoview slide with handwritten label Éparges Nettoyage du Champ de bataille (Éparges Cleaning Battlefield) . Soldiers are in the distance cleaning the battlefield. The photograph was taken between July 28, 1914 and November 11, 1918 in France during World War I.
Crater from Shelling
A glass plate stereoview slide with handwritten label Craonne Entonnoir organisé (Organized Craonne Funnel). View of a crater made from a shelling in Craonne, France. The photograph was taken between July 28, 1914 and November 11, 1918 during World War I.
Dead Soldier in Trench
A glass plate stereoview slide with handwritten label Perthes, 1500, Cadavres (Perthes, France, 1500, Cadavers). A soldier poses near the dead body of another soldier. The photograph was taken between July 28, 1914 and November 11, 1918 during World War I.
Dead Soldiers in a Trench
A glass plate stereoview slide with handwritten label Lomme, Cadavres (Lomme, France, Cadavers). A view of dead soldiers lying in a trench. The photograph was taken between July 28, 1914 and November 11, 1918 in France during World War I.
Dead Soldiers in a Trench
A glass plate stereoview slide with handwritten label Cote 304 Cadavres (Side, 304 Cadavers). A view of dead soldiers laying in a trench. The photograph was taken between July 28, 1914 and November 11, 1918 in France during World War I.
Dead Soldiers on the Battlefield
A damaged glass plate stereoview slide with illegible handwritten label. The image shows dead soldiers on the battlefield. The photograph was taken between July 28, 1914 and November 11, 1918 in France during World War I.
French Dignitaries after Victory
A glass plate stereoview slide with handwritten label 973 Foch Joffre Deschanel La Victoire (973 Foch Joffre Deschanel victory). French dignitaries gather after France's victory in World War I. Included in the photo, near the top of the steps, is Paul Deschanel, Ferdinand Foch, and Joseph Joffre. Deschanel served as president of France during the war. Foch was a French general and Marshal of France, Great Britain and Poland, a military theorist and the Supreme Allied Commander during the First World War. Joseph Joffre was a French general who served as Commander-in-Chief of French forces on the Western Front from the start of World War I until the end of 1916.
French Soldier in a Trench
A glass plate stereoview slide with handwritten label that is mostly illegible except for the number 22998. The view is of a French soldier in a trench surrounded by wooden posts and sandbags. The photograph was taken between July 28, 1914 and November 11, 1918 in France during World War I.
French Soldiers
A damaged glass plate stereoview slide with an illegible handwritten label. The image is of French soldiers on horseback, on foot, and riding on a horse-drawn carriage. The photograph was taken between July 28, 1914 and November 11, 1918 in France during World War I.
French Soldiers
A damaged glass plate stereoview slide with illegible handwritten label. French soldiers are smoking pipes and cigarettes. Cooking implements are in the foreground of the image. The photograph was taken between July 28, 1914 and November 11, 1918 in France during World War I.
French Soldiers
A damaged glass plate stereoview slide with handwritten label embarquement de (Boarding). A view of French soldiers near a piece of military equipment that is unidentifiable due to the damage. The photograph was taken between July 28, 1914 and November 11, 1918 in France during World War I.