Publication Date


Document Type


Committee Members

Tony Corvo (Committee Member), Andrew Hsu (Other), George Huang (Other), Rory Roberts (Advisor), Scott Thomas (Committee Member), James Wolff (Committee Member)

Degree Name

Master of Science in Engineering (MSEgr)


A dynamic, high-bypass turbofan engine has been developed in the modeling and simulation environment of MATLAB/Simulink. Individual elements, including the fan, high pressure compressor, combustor, high pressure turbine, low pressure turbine, plenum volumes, and exit nozzle, have been combined to investigate the behavior of a typical turbofan engine throughout an aircraft mission. Special attention has been paid to the development of transient capabilities throughout the model, increasing model fidelity, eliminating algebraic constraints, and reducing simulation time through the use of advanced numerical solvers. This lessening of computation times is paramount for conducting future aircraft system-level design trade studies efficiently, as demonstrated in previous thermal "Tip-to-Tail" modeling of a long range strike platform. The new engine model is run for a specified mission while tracking critical parameters. These results, as well as the simulation times for both engine models, are compared to the previous "Tip-to-Tail" engine to verify accuracy and quantify computational time improvements. The new engine model is then integrated with the full "Tip-to-Tail" aircraft model. This new model is compared to the previous "Tip-to-Tail" aircraft model to confirm accuracy and quantify computational time improvements. The new "Tip-to-Tail" aircraft model is then used for a simple design trade study of a critical component of the cooling system.

Page Count


Department or Program

Department of Mechanical and Materials Engineering

Year Degree Awarded

