Theses/Dissertations from 2024
Exploring the Relationship Between Academic Program Assessment Practices and Institutional Performance, Nicholas T. Christian
Evaluation and Modulation of the Circadian Clock in Human Keratinocytes and Epidermal Skin, William Harold Cvammen IV
Examining the Nonprofit Leader From the Servant Leadership Theory : Impacts on Board Cohesion, Andrew Wonders
Military Faculty Experience within a Faculty Learning Community and its Interest in Learning Technology Integration, Jonathan David Zemmer
Theses/Dissertations from 2023
Data-Driven Strategies for Disease Management in Patients Admitted for Heart Failure, Ankita Agarwal
The Complex Landscape of LGBTQ+ Inclusion Within the Politics of Africa and the Dynamics of Anti-LGBTQ+ Laws and Development, Barbara Agyapong
Effect of Size and Shape Parameters on Microstructure of Additively Manufactured Inconel 718, Showmik Ahsan
Rheological Modeling and Inkjet Printability of Electrode Ink Formulation for Miniature And Interdigital Lithium-Ion Batteries, Habib Temitope-Adebayo Ajose
Regulation of ERK3 by KRAS Signalling and its Role in the Growth of Lung Adenocarcinoma (LUAD) Cells, Shreya Akunapuram
Environmental Toxicants and Human B Cells: Insights from CRISPR Editing and Genomic Sequencing, Clayton Allex-Buckner
Reading Zora Neale Hurston's Works Through an Islamic Lens: The Absence of Islam in Moses, Man of the Mountain and Jonah's Gourd Vine, Asma Abdullah Saud Alqahtani
Lipin1 Overexpression Ameliorates the Dystrophic Phenotype in MDX Mice by Enhancing Myofiber Membrane Integrity, Abdullah Alshudukhi
Effective Systems for Insider Threat Detection, Muhanned Qasim Jabbar AlSlaiman
Investigating the Mechanism of TDP-43 Toxicity in Yeast: a Model for Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis, Cassidy Nicole Alspaugh
Accelerating Precision Station Keeping for Automated Aircraft, James D. Anderson
Brain Morphometry from Neuroimaging as a Biomarker for Alzheimer's Disease, Nonyelum Benedicta Aniebo
To Determine the Role of the Platelet Activating Factor - Receptor in FOLFIRINOX Therapy-mediated Microvesicles Particle Generation, Krishna Awasthi
Unsupervised-based Distributed Machine Learning for Efficient Data Clustering and Prediction, Vishnu Vardhan Baligodugula
Multi-Variable Phase and Gain Calibration for Multi-Channel Transmit Signals, Ryan C. Ball
The Effect of Pomegranate Consumption on the Gut Microbiome, Brant Bandow
Responding to Escalating Student Behavioral Health Needs : A Comparative Case Study of Multi-Tiered System of Support Team Functioning, Randi Bargo-Smith
Fuzzing PHP Interpreters By Automatically Generating Samples, Jacob S. Baumgarte
A Machine Learning Framework for Hypersonic Vehicle Design Exploration, Atticus Beachy
The Impact of Study Strategies on Academic Performance for Medical Students at Wright State University, Markia Black
Investigating the Multi-Faceted Nature of Cyberloafing Based on Job Features, Alexandria Bohn
Man & Machine: A Narrative of the Relationship Between World War II Fighter Advancement and Pilot Skill, Brian Burnett II
Digital Beamforming Array Phase Calibration Techniques for Multi-Pass Interferometric SAR, Kelly Cheung
Comparing the Performance of a Targeted Pull-down Assay to Shotgun Sequencing for Improving Respiratory Infectious Disease Surveillance, Monica R. Christian
Direct Ink Write Processing of Signal Crossovers Using Aerosol Jet Printing Method, Lucas A. Clark
A Novel Therapeutic Approach To Regulate CAREx8 Protein Expression Through E6-Conjugated Cell Penetrating Peptides, Jared D. Compaleo
Effects of Phosphorus-binding Agents on Nutrient Dynamics and a Planktothrix Bloom in a Shallow, Semi-enclosed Lake Area, Joseph Lee Davidson
Leadership and Secure Base, Bincy Davis
Periodic Paralysis : Pursuing a Protocol, Kirsten Denman
Kv2.1 Dysfunction Underlies the Onset of Symptoms in SOD1-G93A Mouse Model of ALS, Andrew J. Deutsch
Solidity Compiler Version Identification on Smart Contract Bytecode, Lakshmi Prasanna Katyayani Devasani
Deciphering the Pathway of Human Astrovirus Release from Infected Cells, Joshua Eduful
Additively Manufactured Polymeric Surface-Based Lattice Structures for Vibration Attenuation, Imabin Kelvin Ekpelu
The Open Charge Point Protocol (OCPP) Version 1.6 Cyber Range A Training and Testing Platform, David Elmo II
Regulation of Cathepsin L Expression and Activity by Cell Confluence and the Circadian Clock, Prashant Gaikwad
Application of the HVSR Technique to Map the Depth and Elevation of the Bedrock Underlying Wright State University Campus, Dayton, Ohio, Devika L. Ghuge
Characterization of the Roles of Mitochondria in the Toxicity of α-synuclein in a Respiratory Cell Model, Breonna Elizabeth Gillespie
Short-term Learning for Long-term Retention : Dynamic Associative Memory, Joseph James Glavan IV
Fault Diagnosis and Accommodation in Quadrotor Simultaneous Localization and Mapping Systems, Anthony J. Green
Enhancing Graph Convolutional Network with Label Propagation and Residual for Malware Detection, Aravinda Sai Gundubogula
Development and Validation of a Norm Violation Sexual Harassment Scale, Krista N. Harris
Icing Mitigation via High-pressure Membrane Dehumidification in an Aircraft Thermal Management, Danielle D. Hollon
Prediction of Ka-band Radar Cross Section with THz Scale Models with Varying Surface Roughness, Andrew J. Huebner
Novel Analysis of the SARS-CoV-2 Genome to Identify Positive Evolutionary Selection in the Spike Protein of Emerging Variants, Ulysses Ison
Lipin1 Improves Membrane Integrity in Dystrophic Muscles of MDX Mice, Abdulrahman Jama
Experimental and Numerical Studies on the Projective Dye Visualization Velocimetry in a Squared Vertical Tube, Mark Bradley Johnson
The Relationships Among Organizational Support, Teacher Well-being, and Teacher Resilience in Secondary School Teachers, Lisa Journell
Quantifying the Effects of Dredged Sediment Application on Soil Properties and Plant Responses in Combination with Common Agricultural Field Management Practices, Ashley N. Julian
Comparative Study of MOF's in Phosphate Adsorption, Eniya Karunamurthy
A Fecal Survey to Evaluate the Prevalence of Enteric Viruses in Laboratory Mice, Amina Khatun
A Secure and Efficient IIoT Anomaly Detection Approach Using a Hybrid Deep Learning Technique, Bharath Reedy Konatham
Monitoring Blood Flow in Animal Models Using a Camera-Based Technique, Dharminder Singh Langri
Microplastics in Wetlands of West Central Ohio : Concentration and Distribution, Mitchell Link
Path-Safe: Enabling Dynamic Mandatory Access Controls Using Security Tokens, James P. MacLennan
Characterization of Aerosol Jet Printed Silver Thin Films Sintered by a Scanning Laser, William A. Metzger
Merit Study of Battery or Hydrogen Energy Storage for Large Scale, Combined Wind and Solar Electricity Generation, Ashley K. Moore
Encryption and Compression Classification of Internet of Things Traffic, Mariam Najdat M Saleh
Processing and Characterization of Inkjet Printed BaTiO3/SU-8 Nanocomposite Dielectrics, Mustapha A. Muhammad
Green Synthesis of Nanoparticles and their Utilization in Electrochemical Detection of Catechol- or Phenol-Based Substances, Daniel Laurence Myers III
Contributors to Pathologic Depolarization in Myotonia Congenita, Jessica Hope Myers
Efficient Cloud-based ML-Approach for Safe Smart Cities, Niveshitha Niveshitha
Data-driven Strategies for Pain Management in Patients with Sickle Cell Disease, Swati Padhee
Systematics, Taxonomy, and Ecology of Neotropical Tachinidae (Diptera) with Focus on the Tribe Polideini, Juan Manuel Perilla López
Modeling, Simulation, and Hardware Testing of a Noise-Canceller ADC Architecture, Ethan R. Rando
Identifying a Novel Ferrocene Derivative as a K-Ras Inhibitor, Kristen Marie Rehl
Establishing Roots Before Branching Out: Parameter Recovery in Item Response Tree Models, Tyler Ryan
Autonomy :A Modern Perspective, Riley Schwanz
Pragmatically Appropriate Abstractive Summarization of JTAC Radio Conversations, Spencer M. Seals
Unfolding the Link Between the Axon Initial Segment, Endoplasmic Reticulum Stress, and Cognitive Impairment in Type 2 Diabetes, Jennae Shelby
Female Middle Aged Rats Showed Increased Recovery From a Focal Demyelination With Drug Combination : Changes in DCX and Nfkb Suggest Increased Oligodendrocytes Production, Andrew James Smith
Rankine Cycle Investigation on Meeting Power and Thermal Requirements of High-Speed Aircraft, Jacob J. Spark
ASL in the Archives, Jacob Stickel
Teaching Physics while Female : A Phenomenological Study of Female High School Physics Teachers, Hope Strickland
Tracking the Progression of Defects at the Neuromuscular Junction in Huntington's Disease, Katherine A. Trittschuh
Investigation of Surface Roughness Effects on Additively Manufactured Metals Under Dynamic Loading, Rachel Elizabeth Tullis
Bandgap Engineering of 2D Materials and its Electric and Optical Properties, Kumar Vishal
Effects of Elastic Anisotropy on Residual Stress Measurements Performed Using the Hole-Drilling Technique, Joshua T. Ward
Anomaly Detection in Multi-Seasonal Time Series Data, Ashton Taylor Williams
Comparative Adjudication of Noisy and Subjective Data Annotation Disagreements for Deep Learning, Scott David Williams
To What Extent do Non-native Shrubs Support Higher Trophic Levels?, Ari Zakroff
Theses/Dissertations from 2022
A Solder-Defined Computer Architecture for Backdoor and Malware Resistance, Marc W. Abel
Semantics-driven Abstractive Document Summarization, Amanuel Alambo
A Spectrophotometric Determination of Barium Complexation with Methylthymol Blue, Wesley Alexander
Development of Enhanced User Interaction and User Experience for Supporting Serious Role-Playing Games in a Healthcare Setting, Mark Lee Alow
Impaired β-Cell Neogenesis in a Mouse Model of Metabolic Syndrome, Modhi Abdullah Alshammari
Replication Stress Induced by the Ribonucleotide Reductase Inhibitors Guanazole, Triapine, and Gemcitabine in Fission Yeast, Mashael Yahya A Alyahya
Secure Authenticated Key Exchange for Enhancing the Security of Routing Protocol for Low-Power and Lossy Networks, Sarah Mohammed Alzahrani
Gene Vectors with Fluorescence Tracking Capabilities, Sophia Despina Angelopoulos
Development of Gene Regulatory Elements for Biosensing Applications, Mallory N. Bates
Using Network Analysis to Contrast Three Models of Student Forum Discussions, Hannah N. Benston