Publication Date


Document Type


Committee Members

Travis Doom (Committee Member), Thomas Hartrum (Advisor), Thomas Hartrum (Committee Co-chair), Mateen Rizki (Committee Co-chair), Thomas Sudkamp (Other), Joseph F. Thomas, Jr. (Other)

Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


In the realm of software development, projects are plagued by continuous maintenance at the source code level as well as tedious transformations from formal specifications to source code. Such work consumes a large amount of time only to create complicated, un-intelligible, and un-reusable code that is completely detached from initial design rational. To cope with these problems, The Air Force Institute of Technology (AFIT) Wide Spectrum Object Modeling Environment (AWSOME) was designed to generate specifications that can be transformed into abstract designs and finally into source code. The specifications are written in the AFIT Wide-spectrum Language (AWL) and parsed in by the tool into a meta-model.

The focus of this thesis is to expand AWSOME's transform capabilities by automating the application of design patterns to existing ASTs by altering their structure. Automating the application of design patterns to existing software models offers many advantages including extending reusability and easing maintenance.

Page Count


Department or Program

Department of Computer Science

Year Degree Awarded

