Novel Esophago-Cortical Responses in Unsedated Human Neonates Discovered Upon Concurrent Provocative Manometry and Functional Near-Infrared Spectroscopy (Fnirs)
Document Type
Conference Proceeding
Publication Date
Our objectives were to establish feasibility to perform fNIRS in neonates and to characterize the HbO and HbD concentration changes in the vicinity of fronto-parietal cerebral cortex evoked upon esophageal provocation.
Repository Citation
Jadcherla, S. R.,
Pakiraih, J. F.,
Hasenstab, K.,
Moore, R. K.,
& Kashou, N. H.
(2013). Novel Esophago-Cortical Responses in Unsedated Human Neonates Discovered Upon Concurrent Provocative Manometry and Functional Near-Infrared Spectroscopy (Fnirs). Gastroenterology, 144 (5), Su2117, S562.
Abstract from the Digestive Disease Week Conference, Orlando, FL, May 18-21, 2013.