Characterization Of Laryngeal Motor Neuron Properties In The American Bullfrog, Lithobates catesbieanus
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40951682 (Pure); 34298168 (PubMed)
Motor neurons represent the final output from the central respiratory network. American bullfrogs, Lithobates catesbieanus, have provided insight into development and plasticity of the breathing control system, yet cellular aspects of bullfrog motor neurons are not well-described. In this study, we characterized properties of laryngeal motor neurons that produce motor outflow to the glottal dilator, a muscle that gates airflow to the lungs of anurans. To this end, we measured several intrinsic membrane properties of labeled laryngeal motor neurons in brain slices. Using unsupervised clustering analyses, we identified two broad classes of motor neurons: those with high firing rates and strong adaptation (∼70 %), and those with lower firing rates and less adaptation (∼30 %). These results suggest that two neuronal cell types innervate the glottal dilator, roughly aligning with the composition of fast and slower twitch fibers of this muscle. In sum, these data reinforce the need to consider cell-type when assessing motor neuron function in the respiratory network.
Repository Citation
Zubov, T.,
Silika, S.,
Dukkipati, S. S.,
Hartzler, L. K.,
& Santin, J. M.
(2021). Characterization Of Laryngeal Motor Neuron Properties In The American Bullfrog, Lithobates catesbieanus. Respiratory Physiology and Neurobiology, 294, 103745.