Gadgets and Gizmos: Returning the fun to sexual function

Presenter Information

Lucky J. Tomaszek


Endeavor Room C

Start Date

23-9-2017 2:00 PM

End Date

23-9-2017 3:30 PM


If we work with our body, instead of against it, we often find that we are capable of experiencing more than we thought possible. This session will discuss tools, toys, aids and devices to help facilitate sexual health, function and pleasure. Welcoming to all genders and orientations.


Sep 23rd, 2:00 PM Sep 23rd, 3:30 PM

Gadgets and Gizmos: Returning the fun to sexual function

Endeavor Room C

If we work with our body, instead of against it, we often find that we are capable of experiencing more than we thought possible. This session will discuss tools, toys, aids and devices to help facilitate sexual health, function and pleasure. Welcoming to all genders and orientations.