Document Type



This course covers advanced topics in managing W eh-based resources, with a focus on building applications involving heterogeneous data. It will expose students to the following concept, topics, architectures, techniques, and technologies:

• data, metadata, information, knowledge, and ontologies
• unstructured, semi-structured, structured, multimodal, multimedia, and sensor data syntax,
structural/representational, and semantic aspects of data
• architectures: federated databases, mediator, information brokering
• integration and analysis of Web-based information
• automatic information/metadata extraction (entity identification/recognition, disambiguation)
• Web search engines, social networks, Web 2.0
• Semantic Web and Web 3.0
• relevant Web standards and technologies
• real-world examples that have major research projects and commercial products

Publication Date

Fall 2009


College of Engineering and Computer Science


Computer Science

Course Number

CS 475/675
