Ten Years of the Dayton Literary Peace Prize Class Materials
Document Type
Publication Date
Spring 2015
Since 2005, the Dayton Literary Peace Prize has been awarded to works of literary fiction and nonfiction that recognize "the power of the written word to promote peace." Each year, two fiction and two nonfiction works are chosen. In conjunction with the 10th anniversary of the prize, this course will examine seven winners and ask how their words "promote peace"—which is probably a more vexing question than it first seems. We will read these works alongside critical essays that provide frameworks for thinking through how literature narrates atrocity, creates connections between different groups, fosters ways of thinking that avoid conflict, and so on. In October, Wright State University will host a conference on the prize, Ten Years of the Dayton Literary Peace Prize. Material from this course will be featured in this conference, as part of an ongoing effort to showcase the work of Wright State undergraduates and graduate students.
Repository Citation
Strombeck, A.
(2015). Sample Syllabus for ENG 4460: The Literature of Conflict. .