Professional Development through G-TRR Reflective Rounds: Exploring Meaning in the Clerkship Experience

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This workshop will introduce the G-TRR Reflective Rounds, an innovative curriculum developed at the George Washington Institute for Spirituality and Health that is currently being piloted at eight medical schools. The purpose of the curriculum is to foster professional development of medical students in their clinical years by providing an educational forum in which to explore the personal, emotional and spiritual meaning of their patient experiences.

After a brief introduction, workshop participants will break into small groups for “mini-reflective rounds.” In these groups, participants will be invited to share their stories of meaningful patient encounters. Narrators will be encouraged to mention their emotional reactions to the patient, any values, beliefs and assumptions that impacted their reactions, the spiritual significance, if any, of the encounter, and any lessons learned. Individual stories will be followed by group discussion. Questions for consideration will be provided. Breakout groups will reconvene for the last 15 minutes for a wrap-up discussion.


This workshop was presented at the Gold Foundation Biennial, Chicago, IL, October, 2012.
