Document Type
Conference Proceeding
Publication Date
The Semantic Web journal by IOS Press follows a unique open and transparent process during which each submitted manuscript is available online together with the full history of its successive decision statuses, assigned editors, solicited and voluntary reviewers, their full text reviews, and in many cases also the authors’ response letters. Combined with a highly-customized, Drupal-based journal management system, this provides the journal with semantically rich manuscript time lines and networked data about authors, reviewers, and editors. These data are now exposed using a SPARQL endpoint, an extended Bibo ontology, and a modular Linked Data portal that provides interactive scientometrics based on established and new analysis methods. The portal can be customized for other journals as well.
Repository Citation
Hu, Y.,
Janowicz, K.,
McKenzie, G.,
& Sengupta, K.
(2013). A Linked-Data-Driven and Semantically-Enabled Journal Portal for Scientometrics. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 8219, 114-129.
Attached is the unpublished, peer-reviewed version of the proceeding. The final publication is available at Springer via
Presented at the 12th International Semantic Web Conference, Sydney, Australia, October 21-15, 2013.