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Publication Date
Spring 2020
In 1903, Dayton garnered the greatest number of patents per capita relative to any other U.S. city. It was the epicenter for the creation of the cash register, powered flight, catalytic convertor in automobiles, parking meter, stepladder, and electric wheelchair. Dayton’s history is comprised of the dual forces of innovation and invention. While innovation is not a foreign concept to the Dayton community, it’s Silicon Valley-esque status has since dissipated and patent numbers are subsequently falling. The Great Recession reduced manufacturing in Dayton through subsequent closures in factories; this oriented Dayton towards being a more service-oriented city. (Millsap, 2017, p. 2) Ultimately, though, Dayton’s growth and economic prowess have faltered, “with negative growth in the last couple decades.” (Wallace, 2014) The aim of this policy proposal and selected research is to establish a sustainable method of rebuilding the Dayton population.
Is Part Of
Student Papers in Local and Global Regional Economies
Repository Citation
Lane, H.
(2020). The “Dulled” & Disappearing Gem City: An Attempt to Restore the Social and Economic Forces of Dayton, Ohio While Incorporating Ecological Principles. .
Hailey Lane EC 7250 2020 The Dulled and Disappearing Gem City PPT Presentation
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Hailey Lane EC 7250 2020 Dayton PPT.pdf (1777 kB)Hailey Lane EC 7250 2020 The Dulled and Disappearing Gem City PPT Presentation