Theses/Dissertations from 2023
Effects of Phosphorus-binding Agents on Nutrient Dynamics and a Planktothrix Bloom in a Shallow, Semi-enclosed Lake Area, Joseph Lee Davidson
Application of the HVSR Technique to Map the Depth and Elevation of the Bedrock Underlying Wright State University Campus, Dayton, Ohio, Devika L. Ghuge
Quantifying the Effects of Dredged Sediment Application on Soil Properties and Plant Responses in Combination with Common Agricultural Field Management Practices, Ashley N. Julian
Systematics, Taxonomy, and Ecology of Neotropical Tachinidae (Diptera) with Focus on the Tribe Polideini, Juan Manuel Perilla López
Theses/Dissertations from 2022
Vertebrate Assemblages of the Skelley Limestone (Conemaugh Group : Carboniferous, Gzhelian) in Noble and Muskingum Counties, Ohio, Daniel Austin Cline
Mercury Methylation in Oxic Sub-Polar Marine Regions Linked with Nitrification, Marissa Collins Despins
Bedrock Anisotropy at Sycamore Farms: An Investigation Using Azimuthal Resistivity and Electromagnetic Induction, Cody M. Kessler
Evaluating Energy-based Trait Shifts and Population Level Impacts of Big Brown Bats (Eptesicus fuscus) with Long-term Exposure to Pseudogymnoascus destructans, Molly C. Simonis
Mercury Concentrations and Mercury Methylation Along the Freshwater to Marine Continuum, Lindsay D. Starr
Theses/Dissertations from 2021
Sediment Nutrient Dynamics in Fondriest Agricultural Settling Pond, Marie Grace Bezold
Power Scaling of Ice Floe Sizes in the Weddell Sea, Southern Ocean, Tristan J. Coffey
Grain-Size and Permeability of Sediments Within the Hyporheic Zone at the Theis Environmental Monitoring and Modeling Site, Great Miami River and Buried Valley Aquifer, Southwest Ohio, USA, Timothy Wayne Cornett
Grain-Size and Permeability of Sediments Within the Hyporheic Zone at the Theis Environmental Monitoring and Modeling Site, Great Miami River and Buried Valley Aquifer, Southwest Ohio, USA, Timothy Wayne Cornett
Analysis of Amur Honeysuckle Stem Density as a Function of Spatial Clustering, Horizontal Distance from Streams, Trails, and Elevation in Riparian Forests, Greene County, Ohio, Greg Michael Grierson Jr.
Sediment-Water Fluxes of Phosphorus and Trace Metals in the Maumee River, Northwest Ohio, Emily L. Holliday
Diversity and Function of Algal Biofilms in the Laurentian Great Lakes, Leon R. Katona
North American Freshwater Snails as Paleoecologic Proxies in Crystal Lake, Medway, Ohio, Jaclyn R. Manker
Theses/Dissertations from 2020
Community structure has greater effect on water column ammonium cycling than nutrients and temperature in shallow lake mesocosms, Shannon Marie Collins
Degradation of Trichloroethene By Radicals Produced By Oxygenation of Various Reduced Iron Minerals, Jonathon Michael Deeter
Quantifying Contributions to the Variance of Permeability and Porosity within the Western Belt Sandstones of the Cypress Formation, Illinois Basin, Nathaniel Frederick Dulaney
The Fate of Anthropogenic Nitrogen Along Hydrologic Continuums: Patterns of Transformation and Recycling in a Eutrophic Lake and Coastal Marine Sediments, Daniel K. Hoffman
Genetic Analysis of Snow Leopard Population Employing Next Generation Sequencing For Its Improved Conservation And Management, Safia Janjua
Anthrax Event Detection: Analysis of Public Opinion Using Twitter During Anthrax Scares, The Mueller Investigation, and North Korean Threats, Michele E. Miller
The Hydrostatics and Hydrodynamics of Prominent Heteromorph Ammonoid Morphotypes and the Functional Morphology of Ammonitic Septa, David Joseph Peterman
Marine Vertebrate Communities from the Cisuralian Epoch (Permian Period) of central North America, Ryan C. Shell
Theses/Dissertations from 2019
Ammonium cycling and nitrifier community composition in eutrophic waters affected by cyanobacterial harmful algal blooms, Justyna J. Hampel
Investigating an Apparent Structural High in Seismic Data in North Terre Haute, Indiana, Through First-Arrival Traveltime Tomography and Gravity Analysis, Daniel Grant Koehl
Vegetation sensitivity during the mid-Holocene warming in western Ohio, Kristin Kopera
Mapping of Suspected Unmarked Burials as High Resistivity Anomalies at the Stevenson Cemetery near Xenia, Ohio, Philip Alexander Marsh
Preference, performance, and selection of historic and novel hosts by emerald ash borer, Agrilus planipennis Fairmaire (Coleoptera: Buprestidae), Donnie L. Peterson
Paradoxical Behavior in Groundwater Levels in Response to Precipitation Events, Alexandra Shelters
Lead in tap water of public schools near Dayton, Ohio, Baylee Stark
Theses/Dissertations from 2018
Geochemical and Microbiological Controls on Mercury Methylation in Natural Waters, Alison M. Agather
Evaluating sediments as an ecosystem service in western Lake Erie through quantification of nitrogen cycling pathways, Ashlynn Rose Boedecker
Abiotic Reduction Transformations of Recalcitrant Chlorinated Methanes, Chlorinated Ethanes, and 2,4-Dinitroanisole By Reduced Iron Oxides at Bench-Scale, Adam C. Burdsall
River biofilm structure and function in a resource landscape modified by agriculture: implications for primary consumers, Hannah M. Fazekas
Geophysical Exploration of the Upper Crust Underlying North-Central Indiana: New Insight into the Eastern Granite-Rhyolite Province, Michael Ray Green
Lead in Tap Water from the City of Dayton, Ohio, Kayla Marie Haman
Sedimentary Architecture and Paleochannel Dimensions of the Lamotte Sandstone of Southeastern Missouri, Jamilyn Ann Moore
Multitrophic Impacts of an Emerging Invasive Plant, Elizabeth J. Roberson
Power Scaling of the Mainland Shoreline of the Contiguous United States, Erik S. Vasko
Modeling of Soil Formation on The Basis of Chemical Weathering: Applications From Percolation Theory, Fang Yu
Theses/Dissertations from 2017
Searching for the Unmarked Henry Kinsey Family Graves at the VA Hospital Grounds in Dayton, Ohio, Using Magnetic, Electromagnetic, and Radar Methods, Andrew William Bergman
Evolution and Biogeography of the Tachinid Flies with Focus on the Tribe Blondeliini (Insecta: Diptera: Tachinidae), Z. L. Burington
Removal of Select Chlorinated Hydrocarbons by Nanoscale Zero-valent Iron Supported on Powdered Activated Charcoal, Md Abu Raihan Chowdhury
Linking the Variance of Permeability and Porosity to Newly Interpreted Lithofacies at the Site of the Illinois Basin - Decatur Project, Decatur, Illinois, Ritu Chaity Ghose
The Electrochemical Behavior of Molybdenum and Tungsten Tri-Nuclear Metal Clusters with Ethanoate Ligands, Edward Nelson Kennedy
Analysis of Well Log Data and a 2D Seismic Reflection Survey in the Vicinity of London, Ohio, Mohammad Mohshin
Upstream Sources Inhibit Benthic Phosphorus Fluxes in the Lower Great Miami River, Southwest Ohio, Kortney Mullen
Pre-Mt. Simon Seismic Sequences Below West-Central Indiana: Local Interpretation and Regional Significance, Andrew Michael Parent
Methylmercury Bioaccumulation in Spotted Salamanders (Ambystoma maculatum) in Southern Ohio, Rachel Alex Walker
Theses/Dissertations from 2016
Power Distribution and Probabilistic Forecasting of Economic Loss and Fatalities due to Hurricanes, Earthquakes, Tornadoes, and Floods in the United States, Scott Edward Baker
Spatial Variation in Tooth Shape of Miocene Populations of Carcharocles Megalodon Across Ocean Basins, Maxwell John Bertsos
Bioavailability and Transformation of Silver Nanoparticles in the Freshwater Environment, Seth W. Brittle
Convergent Evolution in Tooth Morphology of Filter Feeding Lamniform Sharks, Michaela Grace Mitchell
Temporal Variation of Mercury in Effluent from Two Municipal Wastewater Treatment Plants in Southwest Ohio, Heather Brittany Perusini
Seismic Reflection Profiling Near Middletown, Ohio and Interpretation of Precambrian Deformational Settings, David Joseph Peterman
Mechanisms of Antixenosis and Antibiosis of Ash Against Emerald Ash Borer, Chad Michael Rigsby
Application of Time-Frequency Analysis to Characterize Gas Shadows from the Clinton interval in Ohio Seismic Reflection Data, Fangzhou Yan
Theses/Dissertations from 2015
World-Wide Body Size Patterns in Freshwater Fish by Geography, Size Class, Trophic Level, and Taxonomy, Shishir Adhikari
Growth of Sparingly-Soluble AB-Type Minerals As a Function of Their A:B Ratio, Jacquelyn N. Bracco
Evaluating Threats to the Rare Butterfly, Pieris Virginiensis, Samantha Lynn Davis
Accelerated Degradation of Chlorinated Solvents By Nanoscale Zero-Valent Iron Coated with Iron Monosulfide and Stabilized with Carboxymethyl Cellulose, Shirin Ghahghaei Nezamabadi
Bedrock Mapping using Shear Wave Velocity Characterization and H/V Analysis, James P. Gonsiewski
Stability of Monomethylmercury in Water, Sarah Elyse Harvey
Water Quality of the Upper Little Miami River Watershed in Ohio: Impacts of Natural and Anthropogenic Processes, David Allan Huff
Algal Quality Controls the Distribution, Behavior and Growth of Algivorous Cichlids in Lake Tanganyika, Renalda Nanziga Munubi
Relating Reactive Transport to Hierarchical and Multiscale Sedimentary Architecture, Mohamad Reza Soltanian
Atmospheric Effects on Radar/Ladar Detection of Seismic Activity, Michelle Frances Via
DNA-Nucleobase Guanine as Passivation/Gate Dielectric Layer for Flexible GFET-Based Sensor Applications, Adrienne Dee Williams
Theses/Dissertations from 2014
Glacial Drift Thickness and Vs Characterized Using Three-Component Passive Seismic Data at the Dominion Stark-Summit Gas Storage Field, North Canton, Ohio, Cheryle Ann Boggs
Mercury Distributions and Cycling in the North Atlantic and Eastern Tropical Pacific Oceans, Katlin L. Bowman
Characterization of a Utica Shale Reflector Package using Well Log Data and Amplitude Variation with Offset Analysis, Andrei Butterfield
Destruction of Chlorinated Hydrocarbons by Zero-Valent Zinc and Bimetallic Zinc Reductants in Bench-Scale Investigations, Christopher Scott Cushman
Effect of Land Use on Mercury in Soils of Southwest Ohio, Rebecca L. Gamby
Modeling Physical and Hydraulic Properties of Disordered Porous Media: Applications from Percolation Theory and Fractal Geometry, Behzad Ghanbarian-Alavijeh
Processing and Interpretation of Illinois Basin Seismic Reflection Data, Katherine M. Gigandet
Environmental Factors Affecting Methylmercury in Fish of the Laurentian Great Lakes Region, Joel Harvey
Phylogenetics, Population Genetics, and Evolution of the Mallard Complex, Philip Lavretsky
Biogeochemistry of Sulfur Isotopes in Crystal Lake, Clark County, West-Central Ohio, Amanda Lynn Meyer
TCDD Represses 3'IghRR Activation through an AhR-dependent shift in the NF-κB/Rel Protein Complexes Binding to κB Motifs within the hs1,2 and hs4 Enhancers, Richard L. Salisbury Jr.
Seismic Interpretation and Well Log Analysis of Jay County, Indiana, Focused on Lithologic Units below the Mt. Simon Formation, Jennifer Welder
Effect of Rivers on Groundwater Temperature in Heterogeneous Buried-Valley Aquifers: Extent, Attenuation, and Phase Lag of Seasonal Variation, Nathan Lee Young
Theses/Dissertations from 2013
Abiotic Reduction of Nitrite and Nitrate by Nanoscale Chemogenic Magnetite: Pathways for Significant Greenhouse Gas Production, Adam Charles Burdsall
Quantitative Analysis of the Polarity Reversal Pattern of the Earth's Magnetic Field and Self-Reversing Dynamo Models, Patrick Shane Craig
Copper and Nickel Partitioning with Nanoscale Goethite, Kelsey Marie Danner
Palaeoecological Analysis of the Decline in Stromatolite Abundance during the Ordovician Period, Noran Mhm El-Sherif
Trace Metals in Sediments on the Continental Margin of the Northwest Atlantic Ocean, Daniel L. Marsh