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The purpose of this project was to address the importance of physical activity to the residents in the Dayton, Ohio community and bring awareness to the benefits exercise has towards overall health. Physical Activity is one of the main topics of Healthy People 2020 with a goal to have a national average of less than 32.6% of adults engage in no leisure-time physical activity (Baseline in 2008 was 36.2%). This objective is a major concern because regular physical activity can improve overall quality of life and lower the risk of chronic diseases like diabetes and high blood pressure.

This topic of study was executed by utilizing the various resources provided by the Five Rivers MetroParks of Dayton and informing patients of the weekly events and handing out brochures of metroparks. The clinics where the project was conducted saw a large population of patients with knee and hip pain from excessive weight bearing and lack of regular exercise which allowed the project to reach out to a large number of individuals. Based on the follow up patients we saw during the time the project was being conducted, some patients noted a positive change in lifestyle in response to their physical therapy treatment and increased physical activity.
