Hossler Lab Urban Materials Spectral Library

We collected reflectance spectra of urban materials (asphalt, brick and pavers; see Figure 1) in and around Dayton and Columbus, Ohio in early November of 2017. All spectra were collected with a JAZ-EL350 handheld spectrometer (Ocean Optics, Dunedin, FL) over the visible–near-infrared spectral range (350 nm to 1000 nm). Spectra were acquired from a distance of 1 m resulting in a 44.3 cm diameter on-ground field of view. The operator faced the sun and held the probe at 90° to the right or left (probe tip was approximately 1 m from the operator; see Figure 2). We restricted sampling to the hours of 10:00 am through 2:00 pm. Each sample acquistion was preceded by measurement of (1) a reflectance standard (spectralon) and (2) dark correction.

(1) View the image gallery of sampled materials ("Hossler Lab Urban Materials Images"); and (2) download a spreadsheet containing the spectra and metadata ("Urban Materials Spectral Library") via the links below the image.

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Hossler Lab Urban Materials Images

Urban Materials Spectral Library