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Alternative approach procedures are being developed, in order to create aircraft operations that have less impact on the environment. In these low-power, low-noise approaches, level flight segments are avoided, and low or flight idle thrust settings are used until the aircraft reaches a stabilization point at low altitude, close to the runway. Electronic automation tools and handbook charts are currently tested and used in these procedures. This paper takes a different approach, and applies the principles of Ecological Interface Design to create interfaces that enable the pilot to fly these procedures in a flexible manner. Interfaces for two of these procedures, the Free-Path Total Energy Approach (FPTEA) and the Modified Three-Degree Approach (MTDA) were developed and evaluated in a fixed-base flight simulator. Pilots were able to plan and fly the approach with both displays, and indicated that the displays provided good awareness of the approach.
Repository Citation
Van Paassen, M.,
Gernaey, J.,
C. in ’t Veld, A.,
& Mulder, M.
(2007). Using Ecological Interface Design for Energy Management During Idle-Thrust Approaches. 2007 International Symposium on Aviation Psychology, 727-732.