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The purpose of the ASAP (Anticipation Support for Aeronautical Planning) project was to design an anticipation support for civilian pilots. In this context, we undertook a cognitive engineering approach. Interviews with pilots and in-situ tasks analysis were performed. Helping pilots better anticipate can consist in showing them the room for maneuver for every single task to perform. At first an activity modeling serves as a basis for describing these tasks during a specific phase of the flight (descent/approach). It confirms a need for a visual representation of temporal feasibility margins. According to the constraints of the flight plan (e.g. speed, altitude…) our algorithm dynamically computes the local extreme values for every main flight variables. The tasks performed in this sodefined multivariate tunnel are guaranteed to meet the flight path requirements. The design process and the canvas of our algorithm are presented in this paper. Directions are discussed to evaluate such an algorithm.
