Submissions from 2013
Individual Pilot Factors Predict Simulated Runway Incursion Outcomes, Kathleen Van Benthem and Chris M. Herdman
Visualization of Pairwise Conflict Resolution for Air Traffic Control, M.M. (Rene) Van Paassen
Mismatches Between Automation and Human Strategies: an Investigation into Future Air Traffic Management Decision Aiding, Carl A. Westin, Clark Borst, and Brian Hilburn
Control of Multiple Unmanned Vehicles: A Capacity Model from a Meta-Analysis, Christopher D. Wickens, Mala Gosakan, Marc Gacy, and Lila Laux
Flight Deck Models of Workload and Multi-Tasking: An Overview of Validation, Christopher D. Wickens and Angelia Sebok
Validating a Model of Automation Supporting the Robotic Arm Controller, Christopher D. Wickens, Angelia Sebok, A. Marc Gacy, Huiyang Li, and Nadine Sarter
Giving a Face to Airline Customer Satisfaction: A Graphic Approach, Clay Wildt, Dr. Erin E. Bowen, and Dr. Brent D. Bowen
The Use of Functional near Infrared Spectroscopy (FNIRS) to Assess Cognitive Workload of Air Traffic Controllers, Hyun Woo, Ben Willems, Joshua Harrison, Kurtulus Izzetoglu, Sehchang Hah, and Hasan Ayaz
Experimental Effective Intensity of Steady and Flashing Light Emitting Diodes for Aircraft Anti-Collision Lighting, Chris Yakopcic, John Puttmann, Benjamin R. Kunz ., Clara Ang, Ashley McPherson, David Santez, Matt Donovan, John Skarzynski, Joshua Trick, Andrew Mead ., Nelda Milburn ., and Nazih E. Khaouly
New Avionics Technologies Human Factors, Michelle Yeh, Stephanie Chase, Juliana Goh, Bill Rogers, and Nadine Sarter
Controller – Pilot Communications in the Presence of Asynchronous UAS Radar Surveillance Data, Xiaochen Yuan, Jonathan Histon, Catherine Burns, Steven Waslander, and Reza Dizaji