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A descriptive examination of the effectiveness of a simulator-based training program for pilots was conducted. Of 55 students of varying backgrounds, but mostly with limited flight experience, 13 enrolled in an intensive, simulator-based flight training program. Within two years the remainder had enrolled in conventional collegiate flight training, supplemented with some simulator training. The students in the intensive program completed their FAA Private Pilot certificates in an average of 5 weeks (not including simulator time). Moreover, the intensive program group earned their private pilot’s certificate in statistically significantly fewer hours (M=46.03) than the conventional collegiate flight training group (M=76.06). The intensive group returned to conventional training and completed their Commercial certificates in an average of 20 weeks and CFI qualifications in an average of 40 weeks. The potentially useful aspects of the intensive program are discussed, including type of training such as intensive classroom, simulator and traditional in-aircraft instruction in addition to the psychosocial impacts of camaraderie and shared learning experiences.
