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The development of intelligent standoff weapons presents several challenges to support effective human-machine teaming. A key issue involves leveraging the weapon’s ability to sense and react to new threats and engage targets of opportunity in flight while balancing human fiduciary control. This research sought to develop a methodology to determine information requirements of weapons operators to support high levels of teaming during a mission. Baselining a population of operators and conducting cognitive task analyses of system experts from among Air Force Weapons School graduates helped to understand the cognitive requirements and teaming practices of currently fielded systems and elicit goals and interactions with future semi-autonomous systems. Model Based Systems Engineering activity diagrams captured the team’s goals and visualization needs. Wireframe user interface designs presented notional displays of required data. This generalizable method proved beneficial to prototype use-centered, decision-driven user interfaces for novel systems in support of follow-on research.
Repository Citation
Steveneson, M. A.,
McGuirl, J.,
& Miller, M. E.
(2023). Interface Design for Collaboration With Semi-Autonomous Agents From an Airborne Aircraft. 22nd International Symposium on Aviation Psychology, 33.