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We propose to organize a special session on research in the intersection of mobile computing, the Semantic Web and Web services.
This session will examine how the research in these areas can serve as a foundation for new architectural and communication paradigms that can enhance service creation, distribution, discovery, integration and utilization in distributed and ubiquitous environments. Some of the initial areas that our early research have highlighted are :
- Semantic annotation of data in bandwidth constrained environments such as mobile networks to promote efficient bandwidth utilization
- Possibilities of using microformats such as RDFa and opportunities that can be explored by their usage in applications such as mashups
- Utilization of semantic annotation in the client side for more intelligent data gathering and processing
- Ontologies and meta models to describe execution environments for services
- Role of semantic web in taking the foundations of social computing and Web 2.0 to the mobile environment.
- Semantically rich policies to control interaction and behavior of devices in mobile environments., in particular to enable security and
- privacy.
Repository Citation
Gomadam, K.,
Joshi, A.,
& Sheth, A. P.
(2008). Mobile Semantic Computing. .
Included in
Bioinformatics Commons, Communication Technology and New Media Commons, Databases and Information Systems Commons, OS and Networks Commons, Science and Technology Studies Commons
This tutorial was presented at the 2nd International Conference on Semantic Computing (ICSC2008), Santa Clara, CA, August 4-7, 2008.